Test English Comparatives and Superlatives


Comperatives, ya da üstünlük sıfatları, sıfatların sonuna “-er” eklenerek ya da öncesinde “more” kullanırak yapılır. Comparative yaptıktan sonra, genelde, karşılaştırma yaptığımız şeyi de söyleriz.

Anlamsal olarak, iki şeyin karşılaştırmasını yapan yapıdır. “O, bundan daha iyidir.” gibi anlamlar üretmek için kullanılır.

Base FormComparative FormSuperlative Form
RichRicherThe richest
UglyUglierThe ugliest
KindKinderThe kindest
BusyBusierThe busiest
ExpensiveMore expensiveThe most expensive
ColourfulMore colourfulThe most colourful
ModernMore modernThe most modern

Cümle yapısı:
(more) + adjective(-er) + than

Weaker = Daha Güçsüz
Smaller = Daha Küçük
Smarter = Daha Zeki

Cümle yapısında parantez içerisinde bahsettiğim kısımlar, sıfatımızın uzunluğuna göre belirlenir. Genel olarak uzun sıfatlarda "more + adjective" yapısını kullanırken genel olarak kısa sıfatlarda "adjective-er" kalıbını kullanıyoruz. Bu kullanımlarda kelimelerin uzun ya da kısa olmasına, genel olarak, 2 hece kuralına göre karar veriyouz. Eğer sıfatlarımız 2 heceden daha uzunsa, öncesinde "more" getiriyoruz. Eğer sıfatlarımız 2 heceden kısaysa, -er kalıbını kullanıyoruz.

Expensive More Expensive
Cooler Cooler
Different More Different
Hot Hotter
Suprised More Suprised
Tidy Tidier

Yazım kuralları.

Eğer sıfatımızın sonunda zaten “-e” harfi varsa, Comparative yapmak için sadece “-r” ekliyoruz.

Large = Büyük
Larger = Daha Büyük

Eğer sıfatımızın sonunda zaten “-y” harfi varsa, Comparative yapmak için “-ier” ekliyoruz.

Lucky = Şanslı
Luckier = Daha Şanslı

Bazı sıfatlar, hem başına more alabilir hem de -er takısı alabilir. İkisi aynı anda olamaz tabii.

More Common/Commoner = Daha Yaygın
More Polite/Politer = Daha Kibar
More Narrow/Narrower = Daha Dar
More Clever/Cleverer = Daha Zeki
More Gentle/Gentler = Daha Nazik
More Simple/Simpler = Daha Basit
More Quiet/Quieter = Daha Sessiz

Bazı sıfatlar, düzensiz olarak Comperative yapılır.

Good Better
Bad Worse
Far Farther/Further
Much and Many More
Little Less


This house is older than that house.
He is younger than his brother.
My job is much more interesting than yours.
Russia is a lot bigger than Holland.
I am a little more successful than him.
Today is a bit colder than usual.
This car is quite smaller than the others.
This one is slightly more expensive.
The new smartphone is faster than the old one.
She is taller than her younger sister.
This book is more interesting than the one I read last week.
The red dress looks better on you than the blue one.
Running is more exhausting than swimming.
His painting skills are improving; this one is better than his last.
The winter in Canada is colder than in my hometown.
This pizza is tastier than the one we had last week.
The new coffee shop is much cozier than the old one.
Her presentation was more engaging than the previous speaker’s.
Mount Kilimanjaro is taller than any other mountain in Africa, standing at an impressive 5,895 meters above sea level.
The Pacific Ocean is wider than any other ocean, covering more than 165 million square kilometers.
The Sahara Desert is hotter than any other desert, with temperatures soaring well above 50 degrees Celsius.
The cheetah is faster than any other land animal, capable of reaching speeds up to 70 miles per hour in short bursts.
The blue whale is larger than any other animal that has ever existed, with adults reaching lengths of up to 100 feet and weights of over 200 tons.
The Great Wall of China is longer than any other wall in the world, stretching over 13,000 miles across northern China.
The Sahara Desert is drier than any other desert on Earth, receiving less than three inches of rainfall annually in some areas.
The Mariana Trench is deeper than any other ocean trench, plunging to depths of over 36,000 feet below sea level.
The Amazon Rainforest is richer in biodiversity than any other ecosystem on the planet, hosting millions of species of plants and animals.
The Grand Canyon is wider than any other canyon in the world, spanning up to 18 miles at its widest point and reaching depths of over a mile.

Türkçedeki “gitgide” yapısını, İngilizcede 2 kere aynı Comparative’i yaparak veriyoruz.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer.
Our garden is becoming more and more beautiful.

Türkçedeki “Ne kadar, o kadar” kalıbını, İngilizcede, ard arda gelen iki farklı Comparative ile yapıyoruz.

The more you eat, the fatter you get.
The faster you live, the faster you die.
The deeper our sorrows, the lauder we will sing.

Bazı durumlarda, Comparative yapısında, "than + karşılaştırdığımız şey" kalıbını kullanmayabiliriz.

I am faster (than him).
This cake is more delicious (than the other one).
He became more confident (than before).
I love the fact that you are more polite now.
Our keyboard here is much more newer.


“Enlik Sıfatları” diye çevirebiliriz. Comparative kalıbındaki gibi, 2 heceden daha kıza sözcüklere “-est” eki geliyor. 2 heceden uzunsa, kelime, başına “most” sözcüğünü alıyor. Buradaki unutulmaması gereken şey, Superlative yaptığımızda, sıfatlarımız, başlarına “the” alır.

Anlamsal olarak bir şeyin “en” olduğunu anlatmak için kullanılır. “En iyi/kötü/hızlı” gibi anlamlar vermek için kullanılır.

The Weakest = En Güçsüz
The Smallest = En Küçük
The Smartest = En Zeki

Eğer Superlative'lerden önce, aitlik bildiren bir kelime varsa, "the" koymamıza gerek kalmıyor.

He is my best friend.
It is our fastest horse.
Can you beat his best record?
It was his smartest move.
Today is our biggest day ever.

Eğer 2 heceden fazla ise sıfatımız, başına “the most” ekliyoruz.

The Most Interesting = En İlginç
The Most Beautiful = En Güzel
The Most Expensive = En Pahalı

Bazı sıfatlar, Comperative'lerde olduğu gibi, düzensiz olarak Superlative yapılır.

Good Better The Best
Bad Worse The Worst
Far Farther/Further The Farthest/Furthest
Much/Many More The Most
Litte Less The Least


This box is the smallest box I have ever seen.
My house is the largest one in our neighbourhood.
Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.
We all threw our rocks at the same time. My rock flew the highest.
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.
She’s the fastest runner on the track team.
That movie was the most exciting I’ve ever seen.
This restaurant has the best pasta in town.
He is the smartest student in our class.
The Grand Canyon is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders.
This cake is the most delicious dessert I’ve ever tasted.
She is the most talented musician in the orchestra.
The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks globally.
That was the most memorable vacation I’ve ever taken.
Mount Everest is the highest peak on Earth, towering over the Himalayan range at 29,032 feet above sea level.
The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is the largest coral reef system, stretching over 2,300 kilometers and boasting rich biodiversity.
The Amazon Rainforest in South America is the largest tropical rainforest, home to an incredible variety of plant and animal species.
The Nile River in Africa is the longest river, spanning approximately 6,650 kilometers and playing a vital role in supporting civilizations.
The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world, standing at a height of 828 meters and symbolizing human achievement.
William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest playwright, his works admired for their timeless themes and linguistic brilliance.
The Louvre Museum in Paris is the largest art museum, housing a vast collection of priceless artifacts from various periods.
Lake Geneva in Switzerland is the largest lake in Central Europe, surrounded by picturesque landscapes and charming towns.
The Grand Canyon in Arizona is the deepest canyon in North America, formed by the Colorado River over millions of years.
Silicon Valley in California is the epicenter of the global tech industry, home to pioneering companies shaping the future with technological innovations.