Test English Indefinite Pronouns Table

Indefinite Pronouns, kelime anlamı ile “Belirsiz (Belgisiz) Zamirler” anlamına gelir. Kısaca, tam olarak ne olduğunu bilmediğimiz isimlerin yerini tutmak için kullanırız.

Indefinite Pronouns, duruma göre, cümlenin bir çok yerinde kullanılabilirler.

XAny- (- ?)No- (+)Every- (+)Some- (+)
Object (-thing)AnythingNothingEverythingSomething
Person (-one/-body)Anybody / AnyoneNo one / NobodyEveryone / EverybodySomeone / Somebody
Place (-where)AnywhereNowhereEverywhereSomewhere

Genel olarak; "some", "every" ve "no" ile başlayanlar olumlu, "any" ile başlayanlar olumsuz ya da soru cümlelerde kullanılır.

Özne Olarak Kullanımları


Something has just happened.
Someone is looking for you.
Somewhere big will be better.
Somebody left their backpack in the classroom.
Everyone is invited to the party tonight.
Everything will be yours some day.
Nobody likes to wait in long lines.
Something smells delicious in the kitchen.
Anyone can learn to play the guitar with practice.
Everything on the menu is so tasty.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nobody can predict the future.
Anyone can achieve their goals with dedication.

Nesne Olarak Kullanımları


Please do something!
I need somebody to talk to.
He lost everything in gambling.
He knows everybody in this village.
I can go everywhere with you.
We should go somewhere today.
She found something interesting at the thrift store.
I want to discuss everything with you.
Please pass me something from the snack tray.
He didn’t say anything during the entire meeting.
Can you show me something new on the computer?
I need a favor from someone tomorrow.
We will go anywhere for our vacation.
She gave her heart to no one but him.

Eğer bir cümlenin öznesi Indefinite Pronoun ise ve o cümleyi olumsuz yapmak istiyorsak, "Any" kullanamayız. Bunun yerine "No" kullanmamız gerekiyor. Türkçede cümlemiz grammar olarak olumsuz olsa bile, İngilizcede bu cümle grammar olarak olumlu kurulur, anlam olarak olumsuz olur.

Nothing has happened.
Nobody is looking for you.
Nowhere is good enough.
No one expected the surprise party.
Nobody likes to wait in long lines.
Nothing can stop us from achieving our goals.
Nowhere is as peaceful as the countryside.
Nobody should face such challenges alone.
Nothing in this world is truly perfect.
Nowhere is completely devoid of beauty.

”Any” Sözcüğünün Nesne Olarak Kullanımı

Bu tarz cümleler, anlamı koruyarak olumlu şekilde “No” ile de kurulabilir.


Please, don’t do anything!
I don’t need anybody to talk to.
We shouldn’t go anywhere today.
She didn’t see anybody at the party.
They didn’t have any luck with their fishing trip.
He couldn’t find anything in the cluttered room.
I didn’t hear anybody mention the new project.
She didn’t have any reason to doubt his sincerity.

”Any” ile Soru Cümleleri


Has anything happened?
Is anyone calling for you?
Will anywhere will be better?
Did anyone say anything about the surprise party?
Is anyone interested in joining the hiking trip this weekend?
Has anyone ever told you anything about that mysterious place?
Did you learn anything new from the seminar?
Is anyone looking for anything specific in the menu?
Has anything changed in your routine lately?
Did anyone notice anything missing from the room?
Has anything unusual happened at work today?

Eğer "Every" ile olumsuz cümle yapmak istiyorsak ve Indefinite Pronoun cümlenin öznesi ise başına "not" getirmemiz gerekiyor.

Not everything will be yours some day.
Not everybody is upstairs right now.
Not everywhere is the same.

Nesne olarak kullanmak gerekiyorsa, "not" koymamıza gerek yok. Cümleyi, normal şekilde olumsuz yapmamız yeterli.

He didn’t lose everything in gambling.
He doesn’t know everybody in this village.
I can’t go everywhere with you.

”No” ile Kullanımlar


You ate nothing today.
Nothing has happened.
She hurts no one.
They will go nowhere.
No one believed his outrageous story.
Nobody wants to be stuck in traffic.
The team won, but they credited no one in particular.
She saw no one at the deserted beach.
The detective discovered nothing of significance.
We shared our snacks, but he ate nothing.
He purchased nothing from the store.
Nothing tastes better than homemade pizza.

Diğer Konular ve Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekilenler

Every ile başlayan tüm belirsiz zamirler, tekil kabul edilir.

Everybody is upstairs right now.
Everywhere is the same.
Everybody should take their umbrellas.
Everyone is welcome to join the club.
Everything on the menu is delicious.
Everybody in the class that day was happy.

İkram veya bir şey verdiğimiz soru cümlelerinde, aslında "any" kullanmamız gerekse de biz, "some" kullanmayı tercih ediyoruz. Bunun dışında, eğer sorduğumuz soruya olumlu bir yanıt bekliyorsak, genelde "some" kullanırız.

Would you like something to drink?

Can you say anything?
Can you say something?

Is there anything in the trunk sir?
Is there something in the trunk sir?

Do you have anything to eat with you?
Do you have something to eat with you?

Bazı durumlarda, "Any" sözcüğünü, olumlu cümlelerde de kullanabiliriz.

I will go anywhere with you. (Seninle, nereye olsa giderim.)
I will do anything to save her. (Onu kurtarmak için ne gerekirse yaparım.)
You can ask anybody, they will know. (Herhangi birine sorabilirsin, bilirler.)
Anyhwere is fine with me. (Her yer bana uyar.)