Bu konunun daha iyi öğrenilebilmesi için Countable and Uncountable Nouns konusunun iyi bir şekilde öğrenilmiş olması gerekiyor.
Quantifiers for Countables
Many + plural noun.
I have many apples.
She has many snowballs.
They have many boxes of products.
For many people, animals are perhaps the most familiar, and most interesting of living things. This may be because we are animals ourselves.
Many animals share the same habitat because they are from the same age group.
There are many superstitions that people believe but they don’t really make any sense.
There are many flower pots on the balcony and they seem very alive, so there must be someone in the house that keep them hydrated.
Quantifiers for Uncountable Nouns
Many + uncountable noun.
Much of the sugar comes from the sugar cane industry in South American. In other parts of the world, it mostly comes from sugar beet.
You haven’t given this much considiration, have you? You don’t even know what you are stepping into.
I prefer keeping much of what I intend to say to myself. Some people just don’t understand the value of silence.
I swear I wont use much oil in this dish because I know you are on a diet.
A very large amount of what you do doesn’t produce much profit for the company, so we decided to lower your salary.
Quantifiers for Both Countable and Uncountable Nouns
A Lot of / Lots of
“Çok/çok fazla” anlamına gelir. Sonrasında hem sayılamayan hem de sayılabilen bir isim gelir. Her ikisinden sonra gelen isim çoğuldur. Genellikle olumlu cümlelere kullanılır.
A lot of / Lots of + plural noun.
There is lots of time. We can relax.
There are a lot of apples in that basket.
Damla has a lot of talents.
I want to do a lot of things for charity organizations but I am scared that they will use the money and resources not for their target group but for themselves.
A lot of books were burnt during the revolution because everyone was scared to be caught reading or having one with the suppressed ideology.
Lots of demonstrations were organized to stop the demolishing of the old orphanage but the goverment officals were blinded by greed.
I have lots of things that I can suggest you to do in Bali, but I am sure you will not want to leave the beach.
Terry has a lot of songs devoted to his wife who passed away from cancer a few months ago.
A lot of / Lots of + uncountable noun.
There is lots of time. We can relax.
Some + plural noun/uncountable noun.
Some animals hibernate to survive in the winter but some others find enough food to make it through.
I need some sugar powder to make this cake edible. Can you please go to the market to get some?
Let’s go to the mall and have some fun. I am bored to death here.
Some fruits contain more fructose then others, which means they cannot be consumed by people with diabetes.
Bazen, günlük konuşmalarda, "Some" sözcüğü, tekil isimler ile de kullanılabilir. Bu gibi durumlarda "Some", "A/An" gibi bir anlama sahip olur.
Some day, you will understand how important you were to me.
Some animal broke into our back yard by tearing down the fence that we put up.
Some police officer knocked on the door and gave a piece of paper to my mother which said we had to evacuate the house immidiately.
Any + singular noun/plural noun/uncountable noun. Any, genellikle olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.
Olumsuz cümlelerde kullanımı:
He does not have any more fruits.
Hans doesn’t want to run any marathon. He wants to run the Boston marathon and finish it first.
I do not know if you have any painkillers for a headache but I wanted to ask because you always have a headache.
Soru cümlelerinde kullanımı:
Does Eric possess any tables or chairs that he is not using?
Have you got any news to tell me? You seem like you have some beans to spill.
Does your father have any money?
Genellikle olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılsa da bazı durumlarda olumlu cümlelerde de kullanılabilir.
Use any modals you want.
The manager of the depertment asked his crew if they had noticed any suspicious behaviours of Jane recently.
As any editor would know, it is a great responsibility to prepare a book for publishing. Something may have skipped your attention and you might end up paying for the printing expenses yourself.
Any money given to Dorothy will go to her bank account. She is so strict with money that she cannot even bear to spend any of it.
Any employee in Germany knows the rules cannot be broken. If you want to work, you have to stick with them.
Buradan Sonrası B1+
Plenty of
Plenty of + plural noun/uncountable noun.
Plenty of birds were flying over the boat to catch some of the food thrown into the sea by the passangers.
There was plenty of interest in our product during the fair but the interest faded away with it.
I will give you plenty of options to choose from but you have to promise me that you will not abuse my good intentions.
Plenty of what you think originates from your subconscious mind because that part of the mind never shuts down.
A Couple of
A couple of + plural noun.
I have a couple phones.
We know a couple of tricks.
A couple of years ago, I had falledn in love with someone but I grew out of love in two years.
I bought a couple of chocolate bars to eat altogether after lunchtime at the office.
I saw a couple of girls giggling while they were walking hastily towards the village road.
A Few
A few + plural noun.
I need a few bags.
I want a few more ideas from you.
You need to put up a few bricks by yourself to be able to learn the gist of constructing with bricks.
Learn a few tricks to show if you want to impress a girl on the first date.
I will see a few houses before I make up my final decision about buying this one.
A Little
A little + uncountable noun.
I have a little problem with this.
I have a little colonge left.
They have a little dust problem in their house.
You should put a little effort into your work to make it better. It looks like a very shabby one.
A little hard work can result in great achivements, but nowadays the young generation doesn’t seem willing to go the extra mile.
There is a little sensitivity in the public about changing the law and making divorces harder.
"Few" ve "Little" yapıları "yetemeyecek kadar" az anlamına gelir. "Few" dan sonra çoğul, "Little"dan sonra ise sayılamayan isim kullanılır. Her ikisinde de olumsuz bir anlam vardır.
I prepared few things but they are not enoguh.
They are little problematic.
You can have your little money back.
Little information was given about what the immigrant should expect from the non-profit organization but the people were hopeful.
Few soldiers were equipped with heavy weapons but that was enough considering the size of the attack.
I expected little help from my sister, but still she was reluctant to do anything to help me overcome the trouble I was going through.
Few subjects were included in the exam, still many students were fearful about the hardness of the exam.
"Only a few" ve "Only a little" kalıpları "Sadece birkaç" ya da "Sadece biraz" şekilnde Türkçeye çevrilebilir.
There was only a few people around him.
I know only a little of the required information.
They had only a few credit cards.
There are only a few messages on my cell-phone which I had forgotten at the bust stop.
Nobody cared about what happened to me for five days till I got back.
There is only a little data recorded on the hard-drive of the computer, so the police need to dig in more to collect information about the suspect.
Several + plural noun.
He arrived several hours ago.
The meat can be coocked with several ways.
There are several similiar stores at the mall.
It took several days for my package to arrive.
The patient was examined by several doctors, but still, there was no sign of a proper diagnosis.
I read several books on self-development, but I don’t think they did much for me and I learnt anything from them.
Theresa collected several coupons before she went shopping so that she could pay with them.
We need several balls to practise because we have twenty-four players and they all need one to practise indivudually.
A Number of
A number of + plural noun.
They have a number of cars parked there.
I love a number of movies.
You know a number of people here.
The earliest form of English looks very diffrent from the modern form, but the two share a number of words and roots of words.
A number of nurses were called in that morning so that they could help stabilize the victims of the plane crash in town.
My mother planted a number of flowers in our garden to make herself feel better about staying at home during her recovery.
In Africa, a number of African countries have French as an offical language because of colonialism.
All + singular noun/plural noun/uncountable noun.
All of the milk is gone!
All cars here are blue
Can you hear all the noise coming from outside? It is unbearable to live in this city.
All my life I wanted to become someone important, and all my life I blamed people for my under-achivements but the problem has always been me.
All of the movie was filled with unrealistic images of ancient people, se we didn’t have much fun watching it.
Whole + singular noun.
Phone’s whole battery was empty.
I loved the whole movie.
She soaked the whole towel.
Whole cake was eaten!
The weather was so nice that we spent the whole day in the garden with my parents.
The whole night was a disaster. The bartenders didn’t do their jobs well, the music was electronic and everyone showed up late.
I will finish reading the whole book before the weekend because there is a book club meeting on Saturday.
Tekil isimler ile kullanıldıklarında "Whole" ve "All" aynı anlamda kullanılabilir.
The whole trip took about twenty minutes.
All the trip took about twenty minutes.Even if I gave all my salary to my mother, she would still think I kept money from her and ask for more.
Even if I gave my whole salary to my mother, she would still think I kept money from her and ask for more.
No singular noun/plural noun/uncountable noun. “No”, kendisi zaten olumsuz olduğu için, sadece olumlu bir cümle ile kullanılabilir.
No candies for you!
I have no intention to be here.
You have no rights!
Before the arrival of humans, New Zealand’s ecosystems had no significant predators.
There were no apparent signs of any life form when the astronauts stepped on the new planet.
There was no money left in my account, so I asjed ny father to send me some.
I had no clue that my husband had planned a suprise party for me, so I was beyond excited when I turned on the lights and saw my whole family there.
Bir isim ile birlikte kullanılamaz çünkü kendisi bir zamirdir. Anlamca olumsuz olduğu için de sadece olumlu cümlelerde kullanılabilir.
Do you have a charger? I have none.
I asked you if you bough any apples and you said you bought none, but there are a lot of apples in the fridge.
The company offered five payment options to the person whom they lost a compensation case against but he accepted none.
You can get a book from the library, but I bet you will like none because they only have boring books.
None of + the/these/those/my/your/his/her/its/our/their + plural noun. None + us/you/them.
None of you can come here.
None of these are good. But new ones.
None of our pets suffer from hunger. They are suffering from overeating. I think we feed them too much.
None of the elevators were working, so we all had to take the stairs and climb six floors to come here.
I know you have many studetns who are willing to act in a musical but none of these students will come to all fifteen rehearsals. They are lazy.
The professor told us the basics of the human anatomy but I understood none of them. I guess I will spend tonight studying that.
Each + singular noun.
I love each of my kids.
He told each of us our jobs.
I gave each of them a kiss.
Each of the children recieved a present.
Before you cross a street you must check each side carefully. If it is a very busy street, do the checking more than once.
There are eight planets in our solar system and each planet has its unique qualities.
I have spent a lot of time in the rainforests and I have witnessed how each animal behaves in the jungle.
We will buy a house, but we want to see each house on sale around us before we make our decision.
When urine is produced by the kidneys, it travels thorugh a tube connected to each kidney, called a ureter.
Every + singular noun.
Every room is full.
She has every pokemon.
They have every chance to win.
Every morning, John goes jogging.
I have my coffe here every day.
He was strong and ready for every duty.
Every muscle in her body was sore.
Every time the phone rings, we jump.
Military confilict took place during every year of the 20th century. There were only short periods of time that the world was free of war.
Your brain is a comparison engine. In every new situation, it automatically scans your memory of every other situation you have encountered in the past.
Every door opens somewhere, and at the end of every door there are new beginnings.
Every man and woman in this town knows what happened to Finn but they will never talk about him.
Either + singular noun. Eğer olumlu cümlelerde kullanılırsa “ikisinden biri”, eğer olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılırsa “her ikisi de” anlamına gelir.
Either candidate is good.
Everything is either yesterday, today or tomorrow.
She wasn’t able to win either way.
It hasn’t been easy - for either of us.
I didn’t lose either of you!
There was no insult on either side.
Either of those two dates is perfect for the wedding.
Either situation might be the case.
You can park on either side of the street.
You better not tell either of them just yet.
Can either of you give me a coin for the vending machine?
It kind of leaves you in trouble either way, doesn’t it?
If you’re concerned about a messed up head, either shave it all off or comb over the scars.
There were two antique vases on display and I could afford either vase. It was hard to make a decision about which one to take.
The citizens are free to vote for either party. They vote behind closed doors, so nobody will know what they have chosen.
There are two amazing bicycles that I have my eyes on. My father says he cannot afford either bicycle, so I will have to work during the summer.
You can wear either shirt for the park. they both look comfortable enough.
Neither + singular noun. İki nesne, kişi veya durumdan hiçbiri, ikisi de değil anlamında kullanılır.
Neither parent was at the meeting.
Neither of us knows the truth.
Neither John nor Paula can come.
Neither of the candidates is good.
Neither of those two ever did anything alone.
Neither of them had a clue what was on her mind.
Neither of the tennis players had a great game.
By the way, neither Alex nor I drink.
Now neither is true.
The problem is, you neither asked nor listened.
Neither car would fit my needs because they both were to small for my large family.
Neither cafe can make the coffee as well as the old one could, so I don’t think I will come to this cafe any more.
Neither wardrobe was large enough to take my clothes, so we went to a different shop to see what they had.
"Neither" ile "None" arasındaki fark, "Neither" kelimesinin sadece iki şeyden bahsederken kullanılırken "None" kelimesinin ise en az üç şeyden bahsederken kullanılmasıdır.
Chris has two cars and neither is afforable for me.
We have seen seven cars so far and visited there gallaries, but we liked none.
Both + plural noun.
I like both cars.
Both of them did very well in the exam.
Both of your parents are really nice.
There are two women. Both women are wearing smart clothes.
Both of the photos show forms of travel.
Music uses both sides of the brain, thus resulting in the overall development of the brain.
They were two people in the car and both passangers had got rrapped due to the heavy accident.
Can you please open both windows, so the air moves quickly? I cannot even breathe in here.
Both sides of the road were blocked because of the landslide and it would take at least a week to clean that out.
"Both" özne zamirleri ve nesne zamirlerinden sonra kullabılabilir.
They both couldn’t be there all the time.
We both know why you’re here.
They both care a lot.
I liked them both very much.
They both helped her to the chair.
So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
"Both" iki şey için kullanılırken "All" en az üç şey için kullanılır.
I have them both.
I have them all.
A Good Deal of / A Great Deal of
A Good Deal of / A Great Deal of + uncountable noun.
I have a great deal of trouble in my life.
Dogs require a good deal of attention to look after them, but cats are easy and independent.
There is a great deal of controversy in how the third world countiries are being directed. There are high rates of corruption and the state officals have the power to do whatever they want.
Most + plural noun/uncountable noun.
I’ve planned most of my life to get where I am now.
Most people will tell you anything you want to know.
Personal development can simply be for fun. Most people, however, find it easier to motivate themselves to learn and improve if they have a purpose in doing so.
Most jobs require a lot of experience but if you don’t get employed as a fresh graduate, how can you gain experience?
Yoga is very good for developing muscles and most instructors will guide you to a personal you style where you can work on your problem areas.
In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained; that, in respect to egotism, is the main difference.
Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.