Reported Speech, biri ya da birilerinin söylemiş olduğu cümleleri, başkalarına aktarırken kullandığımız bir kalıp. Reported Speech’te, reporting verb’ler (agree, complain, mention, say, tell gibi…) kullanılır.

Said, direct speech’te de kullanılır.

“No, you can’t!” he said.
She said, “Good morning.”

Eğer “tell” kullanacaksak, kime söylediğimizi de belirtmek zorundayız.

I already said I was sick.
I already told you I was sick.

Reported Speech ile cümle kururken, kurduğumuz cümledeki tense, cümlenin kurulduğu tensin bir gerisindedir. Yani tense, bir past’a atılır.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Present SimplePast Simple
Present ContinuousPast Continuous
Present PerfectPast Perfect
Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Past SimplePast Perfect
Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
Past PerfectPast Perfect
Past Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous
MustHad to
Örnek cümleler:
Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
I have not heard from Gloria in weeks.He told me that she had not heard from Gloria in weeks.
I am staying here for two nights.She said that she was staying there for two nights.
He said “I like her.”He said he liked her.
She said “I went to Paris.”She said she had gone to Paris.
He said “I am writing a book.”He sait he was writing a book.
She said “I was waiting for him.”She said she had been waiting for him.
He said “I will open the door.”He said he would open the door.
She said “I must work hard.”She said she had to work hard.
She says “I like tuna fish.”She says she likes tuna fish.
She said “I am visiting Paris next weekend.”She said that she was visiting Paris the following weekend.
He asked Betty “Do you like cheese?”He wanted to know if Betty liked cheese.

Reported Speech yaparken, Direct Speech içerisindeki bazı söylemler, tablodaki şekilde değişerek kullanılır.

Direct speechReported Speech
NowThen, At that time
TodayThat day
TonightThat night
YesterdayThe day before, The previous day
TomorrowThe next day, the following day
Two days agoTwo days before
This weekThat week
Last monthThe month before, The previous month
Next yearThe next year, The following year

Eğer verilen bilgi hala geçerli ise tense değişime uğramaz. Benzer şekilde, eğer olay daha gerçekleşmemişse de tense değişmez.

I live in the U.K..
She said that she lives in the U.K..

Next week, I am flying to Canada.
He told me that he is flying to Canada next week.

Reported Speech Soru Cümleleri

Reported Speech’te soru sormak, Embedded Questions gibi yapılır. Cümle, pozitif formda kurulur. Reported Speech kuralları da olduğu gibi uygulanır.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Where does Peter live?She asked him where Peter lived.
Where are you going?She asked me where I was going.
Why is she crying?He asked me why she was crying.
Do you work from home?He asked me if I worked from home.
Who did you see?She asked me who I had seen.
Could you write that down for me?She asked me to write it down.
Do you like working in sales?He asked me if I liked working in sales.
Are you going to the Helsinki Conference?He asked me if I was going to the Helsinki Conference.
Have you finished the project yet?She asked us whether we had finished the project yet.

Reported Speech Emir Cümleleri

Reported Speech ile emirleri aktarıyorsak, ana fiilimiz, başına to alarak cümlenin içine girer. Diğer kısımlarda, gerekli zaman değişiklikleri ve kişi değişiklikleri yapılır.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
Open the door.He ordered me to open the door.
Don’t answer the phone.She told me not to answer the phone.
Don’t be back late.He ordered me not to be back late.
He said “Come with me.”He told me to go with him.
He said “Don’t lie to me.”He told me not to lie to him.
Turn the music down! I am trying to get to sleep.He told us to turn the music down as he was trying to get sleep.
I think you should leave now. It is very late.She ordered us to leave as it was very late.