Test English Future in the Past Forms

Be Going To

Yapısal olarak “be going to” kullandığımız fakat geçmişte, gelecekte yapacağımız şeyleri ifade eden tensimiz. Geçmiş anlamını vermek için “was/were” kullanırken, gelecek anlamını vermek için “going to” kullanırız.

Bu yapı ile kurulmuş cümleler, yapılmamıştır.

I was going to buy a new computer last month but I couldn’t save the money.
She was going to come with us but something came up.
He was going to go to London but his flight was canceled.

"Would" ile kıyaslandığında, aralarındaki fark, "be going to" kalıbının, daha planlanmış bir şeylerden bahsetmesidir. "Would" ise daha çok isteklerden, gönüllü olmaktan bahseder.

I was going to apply for the job but I changed my mind at the last minute.
She was going to be my wife but she married someone else.
I had a feeling that something was going to happen.
What was I gonna do today?
I was going to watch the movie footages.


I was going to clean the house yesterday.
He was going to wash his car in the garage this morning.
She was gonna be here at 11.00 AM.
It was going to rain last week.
You were gonna call me two days ago.
We were gonna play soccer at school the other day.
They were going to meet me at the airport early in the morning.
Alex was going to college when his parents died in the plane crash.
You weren’t going to introduce him to me, right?
Was that why she looked like she was going to cry?
I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to arrive.
I was going to tell you - as soon as I had a handle on it.


"Would" ile kurduğumuz cümleler, genellikle, tek başına durmazlar. Yanlarında, durumu açılayan başka cümleler ile bir arada kullanılırlar.

"Would" ile "be going to" arasındaki farkı, kısaca şu şekilde tanımlayabiliriz. "Be going to" kullandığımızda, "yapacaktım ama yapmadım" gibi bir anlam çıkarken, "would" kullandığımızda, "yapmak istiyordum ama bir şey çıktı, olmadı" anlamı çıkar.

Dün evi temizleyecektim. I would🚫 clean the house yesterday.
I was going to clean the house yesterday.


I would give you a lift if you wanted.
We thought they would get married.
She said she would come before noon.
She thought she would be a lowyer but she changed her mind.
I thought you would study tonight.
You said you would win but you didn’t.
I knew you would help him.
I knew Julie would make dinner.
I already told Mark that when he would arrive, we would go out for dinner.
I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.

Be About To + Infinitive

“Neredeyse oldu/gerçekleşti” anlamını taşıyan kalıptır. “Be going to” kalıbında olduğu gibi “Be about to” da neredeyse her zaman kullanılabilen bir kalıptır. Geçmişte neredeyse gerçekleşecek şeyleri anlatmak için de kullanılır. Bu yapı ile söylenen şeyler daha gerçekleşmemiştir.


I was about to sleep when he shouted.
I wasn’t about to talk them out of it.
I was about to starve to death.
Betsy stopped me as I was about to follow.
Chances were, things were about to get ugly.
Paul was about to fire him, and perhaps more.
The battle over humanity was about to get even more brutal.
He stopped in her personal zone, too close, but she wasn’t about to back down this time.

Be To + Infinitive

Genellikle haber başlıklarında karşımıza çok çıkabilecek kalıp. Gelecek anlamı vermek için kullanılıyor genelde. Bu yapının geçmiş zaman ile çekilmiş versiyonu, diğer yapılarda da olduğu gibi, geçmişte gelecek anlamını vermek için de kullanılabilir. Bu yapı oldukça formal bir yapıdır dolayısıyla genelde, gündelik hayatta pek tercih edilmez.


I was to fall down.
Was he to shout?
He was to come here but he didn’t, I do not know where he is.
The victim, Eric Watts, 24, was to arrive home for his wedding on March 22.

Test English Future in Past Expressions