Test English Present Perfect Tense Meaning

Test English Present Perfect Tense Form

Present Perfect Tense, geçmişte gerçekleşmiş fakat etkisini hala gösteren eylemlerden bahsederken kullanılır. Bu tenle yapılmış eylemler, geçmişte gerçekleşmiş, olup bitmiş şu anla bir şekilde alakalı olan eylemlerdir.

Daha da açıklamak gerekirse, “I have lost my wallet.” cümlesi, “Cüzdanımı kaybettim, hala bulamadım/arıyorum.” şeklinde çevrilebilir. Burada dikkat etilmesi gereken şey, cüzdanın hala bulunamamış olduğudur. Eğer cüzdan bulunmuş olsa cümle “I lost my wallet.” şeklinde kurulur. Aralarındaki fark da şudur: Present Perfect ile kurulan cümle, bir şekilde şu anda ilişkilidir ama Past Tense ile kurulan cümle ise bitmiştir.

Olumlu cümle yapısı:

I/You/We/They + have + V3
He/She/It + has + V3

Olumsuz cümle yapısı:

I/You/We/They + have not (haven’t) + V3
He/She/It + has not (hasn’t) + V3

Soru cümle yapısı:

Have + I/You/We/They + V3
Has + He/She/It + V3

Present Perfect Tense, aynı zamanda, tecrübelerimiz için de kullanılır.

She has read many books.
They have been married for two years.
He hasn’t travelled overseas before.

Bazı time expression’lar, Present Perfect Tense’e yatkındır. Fakat her zaman Present Perfect Tense kullanılacağı anlamına gelmez. Last week, yesterday, last month, last year, 2000 gibi zaman bildiren kelimeler, Past Tense’e yatkındır. This week, today, this month gibi kelimeler ise Present Perfect Tense’e yatkındır.

He barrowed my car yesterday.
He has barrowed my car yesterday. (Bu cümleler, ikisi de yesterday zarfını kullamasına rağmen, farklı tens’ler ile kurulabilir. İlk cümlede, arabamı geri aldığım anlamı çıkar. İkinci cümlede ise arabamın hala onda olduğu anlamı çıkar.)

Last month, I visited my brother three times.
This month, I have visited my brother twice. (O ay bitmediği için bir kere daha ziyaret edebilir.)
He has not eaten a lot today.
I have traveled to Europe twice in the last year.
She has completed two marathons since last month.
They have redecorated their house over the past summer.
He has eaten at that restaurant several times last month.
We have watched all the episodes of that TV series last week.
She has read three books in the last two months.
I have visited my grandparents twice in the past year.
They have gone on vacation three times in the last six months.
He has fixed the car twice since last year.
We have hosted dinner parties on numerous occasions in the past few months.

Bazı eylemler, bir kere yapıldıktan sonra, hayatınız boyunca yapılmış sayılır. Bu tarz cümlelerde, Present Perfect Tense kullanılır.

Have you been to Thailand?
Have you ever drunk alcohol before?
I have slept in a bunker before.
I have visited Paris three times.
She has never ridden a hot air balloon.
They have traveled to five different countries.
He has tasted sushi before, and he loved it.
We have seen that movie more than once.
She has met several famous celebrities.
I have never tried skydiving.
They have attended many music festivals.
He has climbed the tallest mountain in the region.
We have experienced some incredible adventures together.

Test English Present Perfect vs Past Simple


I have asked my parents to loan me some money.
You have been really helpful today.
They have flown to the capital to meet with the officials.
He has saved enough money to buy a car.
She has forgotten where her hotel is.
I have lost my purse.
We have seen this movie already.
He has broken his leg.
There has been an accident.
We haven’t seen her today.
They have been to the mall twice this month.
She has watched that show three times this week.
The children have made a mess in the kitchen.
He has started a new job.
She has finished her chores.
Where have I left my sandals?
Have you visited England?
Has she met John?
Has he cleaned the bathroom?
Have you eaten enough?
Has it rained today?
Have they finished yet?
Why has he gone already?
Have you called your mom yet?
Has Anthony played basketball yet?
It has been a decade since I visited to my hometown.
There have been many other people in his life since he broke up with Sheila.
She has been here before, so she must remember some streets.
The tourists have not seen any animal of this size apparently, so they are staring at the Asian elephant in the zoo.
She has not come up with a new plan yet. We have to wait.
I have not informed my parents about going to the cinema with you.
Michael has not seen this side of me yet. Let’s see what he will think when he knows I have anger management issues.
I have been ill since I last saw you. I went to hospital twice.
Some monkey species have evolved into men for centuries according to some scientists.
So far, Mel has just scored one goal.
They have not evaluated the sales lately. They should do that.

Test Enligsh Present Perfect and Continuous Tense Review