Test English Have Something Done

Causatives, Türkçeye ettirgen yapı diye çevirebileceğimiz, bir eylemi bir başkasına yaptırtma anlamı veren yapılardır. Türkçede şu şekilde gösterebiliriz ettirgenlik yapısını: boyamak/boyatmak - yapmak/yaptırmak - getirmek/getirtmek. En yaygın olarak kullanılanları make, have, get ve lettir.

Genel anlamları ile, Causative yapısında kullanılan fiiller, aşağıdaki tabloda verilmiştir.

MakeZorla yaptırmak/neden olmak.
HavePara ya da rica ile yaptırmak.
Getİkna ederek yaptırmak.
LetYapmasına izin vermek.


I cleaned the windows in my house.
I got Ellen to clean the windows in my house.

The burgular made the police use violence against him when he rejected to lift his hands.
You had the delivery guy bring you extra mayonnaise packages, didn’t you.
Have you got your children to do their homework yet?
My mother will let me leave the house once I am done with the housework.

Bu yapı ile çeşitli şekillerde cümle yapılabilir.

Have/Get + Object + Past Participle (Have/Get Something Done)

İki yapımız da bir hizmet almak ya da bir şeyi para ödeyerek yaptırmak anlamına gelir. Gerekmediği sürece, eylemi kimin gerçekleştirdiği söylenmez. Eğer eylemi gerçekleştiren kişinin söylenmesi gerekiyorsa, Passive Voice’daki gibi, cümlenin sonuna “by + agent” şeklinde eklenebilir. “Get” ile kurulan cümleler, “Have” ile kurulan cümlelere kıyasla daha az resmidir ve günlük konuşma dilinde daha yaygın olarak kullanılır.


I got my house painted.
The team had the balls cleaned by a private cleaning company.
My mother got her chandeliers polished by the special cleaning team which only cleans hude chandeliers like ours.
Michael had his teeth covered as there were stains on them.
Damien had his car washed and its carpets renewed.

Bu yapı, bu anlamının yanında, zor bir şeyi başarmak anlamında da kullanılabilir.

Joshua got his thesis accepted even though his counselling professor told him he shouldn’t even try with what he wrote.
I got my passport validated despite the fact that I turned up at the office at the last ten minutes.

Have + Person + Bare Infinitive (Have Somebody Do Something)

“Birisine görevini yaptırmak, sorumluluk vermek” anlamlarında kullanılır. “Have something done” yapısı ile oldukça benzerdir ama bu yapıda, eylemi yapan kişi bellidir ve ettirgen fiilden hemen sonra gelir. Yani sorumluluğun kime verildiği önemlidir.


Her boss made Jane work overtime.
Our teacher will make us stay until we finish the project.
I had mailman check his bag to make sure he had no deliveries for me.
Peeling onions make me cry.
Scary movies make me feel scared.
I couldn’t make her understand. Birisine görevini yaptırmak, sorumluluk vermek
They had Susan pay their bills and do their housework for a year but they refused to pay her.
The firefighters will have the owner of the house open the door for them when the smoke is gone.
The supervisor has had all the employees clean their stands before they have changed their shifts.
The cashier has her manager count the money in her deposit to make sure she is not short on money before she turns over her cash point.

Get + Person + To Infinitive (Get Somebody to Do Something)

Bu yapı, birine “ikna yolu ile bir şey yaptırmak” için kullanılır.


You will get the gardener to learn how to trim the roses perfectly if you insist like this.
The dancers will get their instructor to move on to the next move if they do this one perfectly.
My mother has got our nighbour to give her the recipe she had been keeping a secret for years by her sneaky questions and her overly friendly attitude towards her.
I got my husband to shave off his beard by telling him I would find him more attractive if he did.
You may get the bartender to give you a drink for free if you bring in more customers.

"Have somebody to do something" ile "Got somebody to do something" kalıpları, birbirlerinden farklı olsalar bile, birbirlerinin yerine, neredeyse her zaman, sıkıntı olmadan kullanılabiliriler.

She had her dog fetch the ball over and over again.
She got her dog to fetch the ball over and over again.

Sam cannot get his mother to send him some extra money to buy a guitar.
Sam cannot have his mother send him some extra money to buy a guitar.

Have/Get Somebody/Something Doing

Bu iki yapı “birisinin ya da bir seyin belirli bir eylemi yapmaya başlamasını sağlamak” anlaminda kullanilir.

“Get / have something done” yapisi eylemin biteceği ya da tamamlanacağı anlamını verirken, “get / have somebody / something doing” yapısı tercih edildiğinde eylemin başlamak üzere olduğu ya da başladıktan sonra belli bir süre devam edeceği vurgulanır.


I cannot get my hairdryer started. Maybe the cord is broken inside and there is no electrical connection.
His mother will have Tom cleaning the house the minute she sees the mess he has created in her absence.
The guide got the tourists moving after the long break they had after lunch.

Make + Person + Base Form of Verb (= Make Somebody Do Something)

Bu yapı “birine bir şeyi zorla yaptırmak” anlamında kullanılır. “Force somebody to do something” kalıbıyla eş anlamlıdır.


The bank officer made the loaners pay their debt in time by threatening them with the possibility of taking their house.
I will make Liz cook tonight because she never does, and she is the first one to sit at the table once I have cooked.
Our supervisor makes us check our stand and cash points twice a day for fear of someone complaining about or cleanliness.
Richard makes his friends do favours for him by bribing them.
The teacher made the students sit at their desks silently for two hours for being too noisy during the inspection.

Aynı yapı, “birine bir şeyi zorla yaptırmak” dışında, “birinin bir şeyi yapmasına sebep olmak” anlamında da kullanılabilir.


The director makes the audience pay attention to the hunger and poverty in Africa by explicitly showing the conditions there.
You should never make your children be exposed to TV more than two hours a day.

Be Made to Do

“Make” fiili, etken bir cümlenin yüklemi olduğunda, kendisinden sonra nesne geldiği için ardından gelen fiil yalın halde kullanılır. Ancak edilgen bir cümlenin fiili olarak kullandığında, kendisinden sonra “to infinitive” gelir.


The custom officers made us put all our luggage through the X-ray machine as they suspected we were bringing phones into the country illegally.
We were made to put all our luggage through the X-ray machine as the custom officers suspected we were bringing phones into the country illegally.
My mother made me and my brother empty our pockets to see what we had in there.
My brother and I were made to empty our pockets so that my mother could see what we had in there.
My fiancée and I were made to feel extremely welcome in the hotel, so we are really thankful.
Employees are made to hand over their uniforms before they leave the factory’s premises.
Farm animals have been made to live in tiny spaces since the beginning of extensive livestock farming.
The villagers will be made to evacuate their houses to escape the expected flood in the monsoon season.

Let + Person + Base From of the Verb

Bu yapı “birisine bir şey yapması için izin vermek” anlamında kullanılır. “Allow somebody to do something” yapısı ile eş anlamlıdır.


I cannot let my dog roam around the streets all day and come home with dirty feet after dark.
My father will not let us have chocolate more than twice a week.
You should let your children enjoy a nice time at the park. I will take care of them, do not worry.
The instructor let me take a ten minute break after a heavy workout yesterday.

Get/Have + Person + Past Participle

Hem “Causative” hem de “Passive” yapıları anlatmak için kullanılır.


The lecturer had the university students take notes during his lecture. (Öğrencilere not aldırttı. İşi yapan öğrenciler. Sadece Causative.)
The landlady got her maid fired by her husband. (Hizmetçisini işten attırttı. İşi yapan landlady değil, her husband. Hem Passive hem Causative)
Our dietician got us examined by a professional before she could prescribe a diet. (Hem Causative hem de Passive.)
The professor had his patient X-rayed before he made a diagnosis. (Hem Causative hem de Passive.)