Passive Voice, Türkçedeki edilgen yapıya denk geliyor. Birilerinin eylemleri yapmasından ziyade, eylemlerin yapıldığını belirtmek için kullanılıyor. Bu yapıyı kullanırken dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli şey, her tense’in, Passive formunda değişime uğraması. Passive’lerde her zaman V3 kullanılır. Bu yapılarda, tense’in kendi yardımcı fiilinin yanında, “be” fiili, tense göre çekilerek kullanılır.
Present Simple Tense | am/is/are |
Present Continuous Tense | am/is/are being |
Present Perfect Tense | have/has been |
Past Simple Tense | was/were |
Past Continuous Tense | was/were being |
Past Perfect Tense | had been |
Future Tense | will be |
Be Going To | am/is/are going to be |
Future Perfect Tense | will have been |
Infinitives | to be |
Gerunds | being |
Passive Yapısı:
Object + Aux Verbs + Be + V3 (+ Subject)
Passive Voice Değişim Tablosu
Tense and Others | Active From | Passive Form |
Present Simple Tense | They take the photos. | The photos are taken. |
Present Continuous Tense | They are taking the photos. | The photos are being taken. |
Present Perfect Tense | They have taken the photos. | The photos have been taken. |
Past Simple Tense | They took the photos. | The photos were taken. |
Past Continuous Tense | They were taking the photos. | The photos were being taken. |
Past Perfect Tense | They had taken the photos. | The photos had been taken. |
Future Tense | They will take the photos. | The photos will be taken. |
Be Going to | They yare going to take the photos. | The photos are going to be taken. |
Future Perfect Tense | They will have taken the photos. | The photos will have been taken. |
Infinitive | to take | to be taken |
Perfect Infinitive | to have taken | to have been taken |
Gerund | taking | being taken |
Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Continuous ve Future Perfect Continous yapılarının Passive hali yoktur.
Eğer modal’lı bir cümleyi Passive yapmak istiyorsak, Modal + V3 kalıbını kullanmalıyız.
It can be done.
Your car could be sold.
The refrigerator might be fixed.
A donation may be made.
This must be finished today.
That email has to be sent.
That document needs to be found
Her writing should be fixed.
The car can be repaired by the mechanic.
The car can be driven by anyone with a valid license.
This document must be signed before the deadline.
The package should be delivered by tomorrow afternoon.
The repairs could be completed by the end of the week.
The report might be submitted electronically instead of in person.
The assignment ought to be completed before the next class.
The cake has to be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.
The letter needs to be typed and printed before it can be sent out.
The book used to be written by hand before the invention of the printing press.
The keys have to be returned to the front desk before checking out of the hotel.
Nesnesi olmayan cümleler ve nesne alamayan fiiler (geçişsiz) ile Passive cümle yapılmaz.
My brother lies a lot.
The sun shines in the sky.
Birds chirp in the early morning.
The wind rustles through the trees.
Children laugh as they play.
Waves crash against the rocks.
Leaves rustle in the breeze.
Raindrops fall on the roof.
The clock ticks on the wall.
Flowers bloom in the garden.
Stars twinkle in the night sky.
One of our sheep died yesterday due to some kind of poisoning.
They had gone to the funurel to say goodbye to their uncle.
The scouts team will arrive in a moment.
Passive cümlelerin en sonuna, by + Subject kalıbı ile eylemi gerçekleştiren kişiyi ekleyebiliriz. Fakat çok gerekmedikçe, eylemi gerçekleştiren kişi önemli değilse, bu kalıbı kullanmayız.
More serious cases are investigated by the detectives.
Best coffee beans are harvested by Colombia.
Let it be by the Beatles is being sung by the new band.
A third of the country is being threatened by the wildfires.
Two people on the pavement were run over by the careless driver.
A way to control the weather will be found by humans in the near future.
Stative Sentences (Durum Cümleleri), passive gibi görünebilir fakat passive değillerdir. Bu yapılarda herhangi bir eylem bildirilmez, durum bildirilir. Zaten "be"den sonra gelenler de sıfatlardır. Yani her "am/is/are/was/were/been -ed" görüldüğünde, Passive diye atlanmamalıdır.
I am bored.
They are tired after school.
He is satisfied with his new job.
She is obsessed with cleanliness.
hey are exhausted after the long journey.
He is amused by the joke.
The team is motivated by the recent victory.
She is offended by his rude comment.
He is astonished by the progress of the project in such a short time.
The company is committed to reducing its environmental impact through sustainable practices.
The mechanic repaired the car.
English is spoken in England.
My computer will be replaced with a new one.
I have just been bitten.
He is treated gently.
Nothing he says is understood.
No books were bought.
The project was completed.
The book was published last year.
Was anybody seen at the house?
It is belived that he is innocent.
He is loved by everybody.
The window of the house was broken.
The billboard will be placed at the entrance of the road tomorrow.
The bears had been hunted for years until the rescue team started a protection project against the hunters.
The ceiling was painted finally.
All workers in the factory was replaced with the new ones.
The party will be thrown by the embassy.
The Princess’ deresses are chosen by her stylist.
They changed the music to cheer me up.
A new policy has been introduced by the government.
The results will be announced tomorrow at noon.
All the tickets had been sold before we arrived at the venue.
The house is believed to be haunted by the previous owner.
A lot of progress has been made in the last decade regarding climate change.
The roads were being repaired when we arrived in the small, remote village.
The stolen painting was recovered by the police after a thorough investigation.
The data was carefully analyzed by the research team to identify patterns.
A new bridge is being built over the river to connect the two major cities.
The issue will be discussed in detail during the next management meeting.
A complaint has been filed against the company for failing to meet environmental standards.
It is said that the movie is based on a true story from the early 20th century.
The room had been cleaned thoroughly before the guests arrived for the evening gala.
The documents were signed and sent to the headquarters for approval earlier this week.
The final decision has not yet been made, but it is expected to be announced soon.
It is thought that the treasure is buried under the castle, hidden centuries ago by knights.
The invitation will be sent to all participants by email to ensure no one is left out of the event.
This theory has been widely accepted by scientists after decades of rigorous research and debate.Every year, children kill more people with guns than terrorists do.
Every year, more people are killed by children with guns than by terrorists.They play rugby in the USA.
Rugby is played in the USA.